Latest Episodes

A Rebellious Heart - DWK301536
This week our study is about Saul and the unwise choices he made. Developed to teach children about the Sabbath and to lead them...

King Saul - DWK301535
This week our study covers the subject of leadership. The Israelites wanted what the world had and demanded an earthly king. Developed to teach...

The Stolen Ark - DWK301534
This week we will study about the Ark’s interesting journey through the country of Philistine. Developed to teach children about the Sabbath and to...

Samuel - DWK301533
This week we will study about a young boy who, despite his difficult circumstances, loved God with all his heart. Developed to teach children...

Ruth - DWK301532
This week we will study about a young widow who decided to leave her old life behind her and follow the true and living...

Samson - DWK301531
This week we will study about a man named Samson who was the strongest man on earth. Developed to teach children about the Sabbath...