Latest Episodes

Journey Through the Desert - DWK201424
This week we will look at the journey of the Children of Israel through the wilderness and the many challenges it brought. Developed to...

Living For God - DWK201423
This week we will study about what happens when instructions are not followed and how we can live our lives the best we can...

Building the Sanctuary - DWK201422
This week we will look at how the Israelites built the beautiful sanctuary from the plans given to them by God. Developed to teach...

The Broken Promise - DWK201421
This week we will study about what happens when a promise is broken. Developed to teach children about the Sabbath and to lead them...

40 Days and 40 Nights with God - DWK201420
This week we will study about some amazing building plans that God gave to Moses. Developed to teach children about the Sabbath and to...

The Ten Commandments - DWK201419
This week we will study about some very special laws that God spoke to the children of Israel to teach them about loving God...