Latest Episodes

Joseph in Egypt - DWK101412
This week we will continue our studies about Joseph and find out how God turned something disastrous into something good. Developed to teach children...

Joseph - DWK101411
This week we will study from the Bible about Jacob’s son Joseph. Developed to teach children about the Sabbath and to lead them through...

Jacob in Exile - DWK101410
This week we will study about what happened to Jacob, and the consequences of his lie. Developed to teach children about the Sabbath and...

Jacob & Esau - DWK101409
This week we will study about Jacob and Esau, and how a lie can get you into a lot of trouble. Developed to teach...

Isaac & Rebekah - DWK101408
This week we will study about how through prayer, a very special wife was found for Isaac. Developed to teach children about the Sabbath...

Abraham & Sarah - DWK101407
This week we will study in the Bible about another man who was faithful and obedient. His name was Abraham. Developed to teach children...