Latest Episodes

Bread From Heaven - DWK201418
This week we will study about how God sent something very special down from heaven to sustain the children of Israel. For Study Guides...

The Exodus - DWK201417
This week we will study about how God led the Israelites out of Egypt and the many miracles He performed to keep His children...

The Plagues and the Passover - DWK201416
This week we will study about how God showed the then known world, who was the true and living God. Developed to teach children...

The Bush That Would Not Burn - DWK201415
This week we will study about Moses and his amazing encounter with God. Developed to teach children about the Sabbath and to lead them...

Moses - DWK201414
This week we will study about what happened to the descendants of Joseph's family and how God saved a baby who would deliver His...

Joseph & His Brothers - DWK101413
This week we will study about how, through God, Joseph saved not only the Egyptian race from starvation, but also his own family.